Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating containerized applications' deployment, scaling, and management. Google initially developed it and now has a large community of developers building on it.
Let’s dive in a little deeper.
What is Kubernetes?
The name Kubernetes is derived from Greek, meaning helmsman or pilot and the word Kubernetes means "to steer" or "to navigate." Kubernetes lets you quickly deploy your application code to the cloud with minimal effort. You can also use Kubernetes to manage your infrastructures applications, so it's always up-to-date and running smoothly.
Kubernetes was developed by Google and is open -source. It was donated to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) in 2014.
Kubernetes is a free and open-source container orchestrator that can be used on any infrastructure, such as bare metal servers or virtual machines (VMs), public cloud platforms, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure,.
In addition, Kubernetes is a managed service through various commercial providers like AWS EKS or Microsoft Azure AKS.
Kubernetes is a container orchestration tool. It helps you manage your containers, which can be deployed to a cluster of machines or VMs. The Kubernetes API provides a set of services for managing pods (collections of containers), and replication controllers (a way to create replicas from a pod template)..
These components are combined in an architecture where you can run multiple instances on different machines, but they will automatically scale together based on the amount of traffic they receive.
Kubernetes does not provide any load-balancing capabilities - it only handles scheduling containers onto hosts. It ensures they stay up-to-date on the network state changes within its cluster.
To get more sophisticated features like load balancing or service discovery, you'll need to configure additional software like HAProxy or Consul & Serf Bindings which can be used within Kubernetes workloads by their respective controller plugins:
- LBaaS v2 for AWS/Google Cloud/ Azure VMs
- CNI for bare metal deployments
- BGP for router-based deployments
Kubernetes can be installed on bare metal servers or on virtualized infrastructure.
Kubernetes runs on Linux, Windows, and macOS (with additional support for BSD coming soon). It also supports container images from Docker Hub and other registries..
Kubernetes can manage containers running across multiple hosts in your cluster through replication controllers. These containers have enough resources per unit of time by having their replicas spread across different machines within the cluster based on resource requirements such as RAM size or CPU power needed for computational tasks performed by each pod/replica.
The Kubernetes system is comprised of several distinct components:
- A scheduler that determines which pod gets deployed to which machine, based on resource requirements and availability.
- A controller manager that checks whether containers are running properly and restarts them if necessary.
- A health checker that monitors the health of applications running inside containers.
Kubernetes Benefits
Several essential features contributed to the growing adoption of Kubernetes. These include:
Kubernetes is designed to be self-healing. This means that Kubernetes can detect and remedy problems as they occur without any intervention from a human operator. In the event of a failure, Kubernetes will create new pods to replace failed ones, ensuring that the service continues running reliably.
Automated rollout and rollback
The ability to automate rollback is a great way to ensure that new deployments integrate seamlessly.
Horizontal scaling and load balancing
One of the most valuable features of Kubernetes is horizontal scaling, or the ability to add additional capacity to an application. Horizontal scaling gives you more control over your infrastructure by allowing you to scale up or down based on demand quickly.
You can use these capabilities with Kubernetes in many different ways. For instance, horizontal scalability to increase the number of replicas running in a pod while maintaining consistent performance levels or use load-based scheduling with affinity rules so that certain pods run together on one server. These features can be advantageous when building scalable applications with minimal effort from developers and administrators.
Kubernetes Uses
Kubernetes is a powerful tool that can be used to deploy, manage, and scale your applications. It's designed to be flexible and work with any application.
Here are some of the ways you use Kubernetes:
- To deploy applications with ease and scale them automatically as needed.
- To manage your deployment from start to finish, including monitoring the health of your applications so you don't have to worry about them going down when they're supposed to run smoothly.
- To aid in security across all of your containers and prevent unauthorized access.
Why Should I Care?
The rapid growth Kubernetes has seen in the cloud space speaks to how ready the world is for a better solution. Kubernetes enables you to run all of your containerized apps at scale with the highest level of uptime.
The tale has more to it. You're going to need help generating your container images safely and securely, load balancing your app behind a router, auto-scaling the app depending on traffic data, and a lot more. Kubernetes doesn't just make it easier to deploy your application—it also helps you manage its lifecycle.
Manufacturers may simplify their operational technologies, boost productivity and scalability, and cut costs with the help of 4IR Solutions' highly scalable hybrid cloud infrastructure. By limiting the use of proprietary services and considering Kubernetes as the main deployment target, 4IR is able to provide a fantastic FactoryStack experience across clouds (even hybrid).
FactoryStack deploys cloud technologies without having to worry about data loss or a poor user experience if plant-level Internet access goes down. PharmaStack, based on PharmaStack, was developed for life science and pharmaceutical firms and offers improved functional building blocks, and data integrity policies.
The future is here—and it's open and efficient.